[lbo-talk] Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to catastrophic collapse

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue May 8 10:44:11 PDT 2012

John Gulick: hat is it about these "health food" nuts, anyway? Creepy idiots like this give a bad name to leftist public health advocacy.


True -- but silly. The comment won't change anything, & leftists that can't operate in the same world as nutty leftists ought just to give up, because such nonsense will always be with us. The 'antidote" is not criticism of the nuttiness: that is wasteful; the remedy is just going ahead and building a left that can 'survive' and flourish even though it has a bad reputation. Moreover, we have to not only accept the fact of the presence of such, with some we have to actively cooperate. For example: a local left group that refused to work with localists would be utterly isolated, and not just from localists: A links to B, and B to C, and no matter how obnoxious A is, we have to work with them or we divide from B & C as well. In B/N, for example, leftists cannot survive without working with people from Vision 20/20 (mostly localists), Move-On (DP), and Common Action (Free School) -- anarchists quite a few of whom see public schools as part of "the state."




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