This was some high art horror. I've completely forgotten the story line...something about the motel from hell. It lived up to its hype, and I got to see it in some big theater in Hollywood.
I also liked his last (I think), Frenzy. It's played slightly camp which has the odd effect of making the action even more strange. Good old Bob the produce haired freak of nature. Another mamma's boy gone bad.
Just watched the trailer with Hopkins and Mirram. Looks great.
The other night I watched Ridley Scott's Prometheus. Lots of flaws, mostly in casting, but that's okay since most of them die anyway.
It was a great touch to make the big alien look like a Greek god. The deep frozen, high altitude landscape gave the flick a great sense of hostility and isolation. The `production' values were top, but too bad the cast wasn't