[lbo-talk] lbo tiff goes viral

turbulo at aol.com turbulo at aol.com
Tue Jun 4 19:10:01 PDT 2013

It must indicate something or other about the state of society and the left today that the Fowler piece has drawn so much fire, while a viciously anti-worker article on CounterPunch by a former “60 Minutes” producer named Barry Lando (“France: From Gloire to Desespoir”, April 5) raised no one’s eyebrow but mine. Lando berated Francois Hollande for taxing corporations too steeply and not being tough enough on French workers. Not a peep from the ISO (or any other left organization I know of). The few people who replied to my indignant post on the LBO and Marxism listserves said, “Ho Hum, Lando’s piece was bad, but he made some good criticisms of US middle east policy, and, besides, an occasional blip on Counterpunch is to be expected, but is inconsequential in light of all the good work it does. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist over.” “Tits”: sexist filth; “Overtaxed bankers and pampered workers”: Ho hum.


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