No, that's not the first line of an amusing story, it's an upcoming event:
Marx: the destructive creation
Seminar in Brazil brings Slavoj Žižek, David Harvey and Michael Heinrich to discuss the relevance of Marxism in times of global crisis.
Event about the german philosopher Karl Marx, to be held in São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Brasília and Salvador between the months of march and may will have some of the most renowned specialists, from Brazil and abroad, as participants
In light of the consequences of the global economic crisis and the new political configuration witnessed in Brazil as well as across the globe, what can Marx teach us? How can his vast body of work, mainly The Capital, contribute to the understanding and transformation of our time? In order to debate the relevance of this philosophy giant, Brazilian publishing house Boitempo Editorial and Sesc (Social Service of Commerce) have organized the international seminar “Marx: the destructive creation”, which will take place between the months of March and May 2013, and will bring together some of the most renowned specialists in Marxist tradition, namely Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, British geographer David Harvey, and German political scientist Micheal Heinrich, participant of the MEGA-2 project (Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe), holder and curator of the manuscripts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
In partnership with the Lauro Campos Foundation, Mauricio Grabois Foundation, the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, the Porto Alegre City Council, the event producer Carpe Diem, ArtFliporto and the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), the international project “MARX: the descructive creation”, that comprises the 4th Margem Esquerda International Seminar and the 4th Introductory Course to Marx and Engels, will extend to the cities of São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Brasilia, Recife and Salvador, where the international conferences of Slavoj Žižek and David Harvey are taking place.
In SÃO PAULO, where most of the event is going to take place, the schedule, divided into three parts, marks the historical release of the special edition, with an all new translation to Portuguese, of the first book of Karl Marx’s "The Capital", along with Brazilian editions of David Harvey’s "A Companion to Marx's Capital", Slavoj Žižek’s "Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism", Alysson Leandro Mascaro’s "Estado e Forma Política" [State and Political Form] along with "Marx, mode d’emploi" [Marx, how to use it], from the French philosopher Daniel Bensaïd, and the 20th edition of the "Margem Esquerda" [Left Margin] magazine.
All activities will be recorded and uploaded to Boitempo’s YouTube channel: Some of them, such as Žižek and Harvey's conferences in São Paulo, will be live streamed through the project’s website:
International Conferences
>From Hegel to Marx...and back to Hegel! The Dialetical Tradition in Times of Crisis
With Slavoj Žižek
March 5 – Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
March 8 – São Paulo (São Paulo)
March 12 – Brasília (Distrito Federal)
March 15 – Recife (Pernambuco)
Reading The Capital With David Harvey Dates: March 23 – São Paulo (São Paulo) March 25 – Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) March 26 – Salvador (Bahia)
The Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Manuscripts With Micheal Heinrich Dates: March 22 – São Paulo (São Paulo)
For all the program and more info, please visit the project's website:
Boitempo Editorial