[lbo-talk] Mr. Slick

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Wed May 29 08:59:32 PDT 2013

Eric Beck:
> Anybody else find Greenwald more than a little unctuous? I almost always
> agree with the political points he is making, but he's ridiculously
> rational. He seems genuinely shocked that a statecrafter--or anyone
> really--would say one thing and do another, and his insistence on
> to norms and juridical processes cedes way too much at the outset. Detach
> little, man.


I had not thought of it in this way, but perhaps Eric here explains why so often I've started to fwd a Greenwald column to a local list, then changed my mind. Greenwald believes facts and rhetoric change minds, & that is such a tempting or kneejerk premise that one thinks, surely this will sway those liberals who left the anti-war movement as soon as Obama was elected. THIS will activate the passive ones.

But of course it won't. It's propaganda in the positive (Kautsky, Lenin) sense: it deepens the understanding of those who already agree with it, but will not serve as agitation.


P.S. Word spell check does not recognize Kautsky.

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