[lbo-talk] Remembering Che Guevara (assassinated, Oct. 9, 1967)

Mitchel Cohen mitchelcohen at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 5 23:43:40 PDT 2013


My booklet "Guided by Great Feelings of Love: The Revolutionary Legacy of Che Guevara on the 46th anniversary of his assassination," is now on-line (free). Please check it out at http://www.MitchelCohen.com.

Hard to believe it's been 46 years since Che was captured, tortured and murdered in Bolivia under the direction of the CIA. Che is remembered not as some ancient and hazy patriarch, but vividly, as one who exemplified the spirit of liberation

and the ideals of our own youth. He inspired so many ordinary people to commit themselves to their vision of a different world and called on us to persevere even in the face of bureaucratic intransigence and the enormous power of U.S. imperialism, against all odds.

- Mitchel Cohen

http://www.MitchelCohen.com Newest posts: - Remembering Che Guevara on this 46th anniversary of his assassination (Oct. 9, 1967) - Bill De Blasio and Nicaragua -- a refutation of the corporate media - New Petition to Free Lynne Stewart - "I ain't gonna fight Obama's wars no more" (song) - "Lawrence Summers to head the Fed? You've got to be kidding!" Check it out.

http://www.lulu.com/shop/mitchel-cohen/what-is-direct-action/paperback/product-20937425.html Mitchel Cohen's book, "What Is Direct Action? Lessons from (and to) Occupy Wall Street" (foreword by Richard Wolff) (596 pages). Get it now!

Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ~ Leonard Cohen

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