I think in addition to the criticism, it would be helpful if the heroism is also remembered.
On 10/07/2013 06:14 PM, Eric Beck wrote:
>> Such Zones cannot be maintained indefinitely. Both Cuba and the USSR had
>> pretty good runs of it, and their example encouraged resistance to capital
>> around the world. But it is the most naïve (retroactive) Voluntarism to
> harp
>> on their non-socialist features or to whine that their leadership were/are
>> "sell-outs" etc.
> When did socialists get to be so sensitive? So a long-dead social formation
> is getting critiqued. Who cares? I'd suggest that if you're more concerned
> with defending and honoring it instead of analyzing and figuring out what
> went wrong, your priorities are wrong. That is, if the SU and Cuba are
> going to inform today's left, it will be as an object of criticism, not
> heroism.
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