> On 12/10/2013, at 4:31 AM, "Jordan Hayes" <jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com> wrote:
> >
> http://www.salon.com/2013/10/09/tea_partys_shutdown_lunacy_avenging_the_surrender_of_the_south/
> Where I found a link to this:
> http://www.salon.com/2013/10/11/rather_than_savage_cuts_switzerland_considers_star_trek_economics/
> (Fascinating - that the writers of Star Trek must have grasped the essence
> of historical materialism far better than many who claim to be Marxists. Or
> so I imagine Mr Spock would comment.)
> This is relevant to the recent discussions we were having here about
> paying for information, since we effectively already have the material
> basis for “Star Trek” economy in the distribution of information
> (including music, games, software etc.) However, the actual social system
> hasn't adapted to this yet. In fact is desperately trying to avoid making
> the changes that are necessary and inevitable.
If you want it from the horse's mouth, you have to go to our Jacobin comrade Peter Frase, who is the likely source for the Salon comparison.
Frase is a big proponent of minimum income schemes so it will be interesting to see if he weighs in on this development.