Louis Proyect:
He was never on Marxmail but I enjoyed his posts to PEN-L and LBO-talk. I guess he was about my age and I never corresponded with him. I was under the impression that he worked in a bicycle repair shop or fixed wheelchairs, not exactly sure. But almost everything he wrote was interesting, and a model for how to contribute to a listserv. Here is a post of his plucked out randomly from the PEN-L archives. It is about Rachel Kushner, a novelist who had been interviewed on Doug Henwood's radio show. Study it and learn how to add value to a list like this.
Ralph Johansen:
Chuck Grimes was my client when I was a selective service attorney in the 60s and 70s. He was about your age, Lou. Chuck had written a conscientious objector application, which was turned down by the Berkeley draft board, and after appealing the denial unsuccessfully he refused to submit to induction. If I remember correctly he was indicted, and that's when I came to know him. I don't think he ever had to serve time. I left my practice before we could wind up his case and another attorney in our office took over. I remember that he was an intelligent, committed guy with a good sense of humor and friendly easy way about him. He married Ruth Baker whose father Herbert Baker was a much-admired professor of botany at UC Berkeley, who won awards and accolades both as a valued teacher and researcher. Chuck mainly through this association as I recall became devoted to botanical lore and science generally. I never did find out how it happened, but apparently he became disabled sometime in the years after our acquaintance. He was a fine addition to the world and had a whole lot of integrity. I am sorry to learn he is gone so early. He was never on Marxmail but I enjoyed his posts to PEN-L and LBO-talk. I guess he was about my age and I never corresponded with him. I was under the impression that he worked in a bicycle repair shop or fixed wheelchairs, not exactly sure. But almost everything he wrote was interesting, and a model for how to contribute to a listserv. Here is a post of his plucked out randomly from the PEN-L archives. It is about Rachel Kushner, a novelist who had been interviewed on Doug Henwood's radio show. Study it and learn how to add value to a list like this.