Zombie carbon trading’s latest resurrection
By Gar Lipow <http://grist.org/author/gar-lipow/>
[Because the following is long, it is also available in pdf format at http://www.nohairshirts.com/zomb.pdf ]
Even as London carbon trading desks shut down[1]<http://grist.org/Users/Gar/Documents/docs/Zomb.doc#_edn1> in response to the crumbling European Trading System (ETS) , the zombie concept of carbon trading spreads to China. Because Robin Hahnel’s carbon trading defenses[2]<http://grist.org/Users/Gar/Documents/docs/Zomb.doc#_edn2> offer the best pro-carbon market arguments to date, this article tackles carbon trading largely by answering Hahnel.
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