[lbo-talk] The end of the 'middle class' a view from Australia

Mike Ballard mbbtraven5 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 18:40:09 PDT 2014

Alan is spot on here, although I would take issue with his use of the term 'middle class'. The 'middle class' he speaks of is really the working class, the class of people employed for wages to produce the wealth of Australia and all nations really. The poor are just the lower strata of the working class i.e. the unemployed, temp workers, pub workers, childcare workers and so forth. I would also take issue with him over his assertion that 'socialism' produces an upper class who appropriate the lion's share of the wealth the 90% produce. My definition of socialism is social ownership of the collective product of labour under democratic control. Of course, there would be no middle class or working class or ruling capitalist class under socialism. In fact, socialism would be a classless democracy. Anything short of that wouldn't be socialism at all in my book.

But listen to Alan. He's spot on in his view about how the taxation system brought about during the Great Depression redistributed the wealth the workers produce. Nowadays, we have a full on assault on this system of progressive taxation by the Coalition and all conservative forces since the Reagan/Thatcher era, to eliminate progressive taxation of wealth (the richer you are the more you pay to provide revenue for running the government) and replacing it with user fees, tolls and raising regressive taxes like those on petrol and the GST. Cuts to public health, education and welfare will follow suit. The conservatives want us to depend on charity for welfare, private schooling for education and privatised medical services for healthcare.


-- Wobbly times http://wobblytimes.blogspot.com.au/

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