The fact that it was written 2 a half years ago does undermine it's validity in the least.
Nor does it being written by a Democrat.
The Republicans are not so stupid as to not know that a policy of cutting federal spending to balance the budget has a tendency to cause recession. Somebody just mentioned FDR's making that mistake. If they wanted growth , they would propose a "Stimulus", deficit spending to the mass consuming class. That's all Econ 101.
They also know tax cuts for the rich will not be spent , and not stimulate . They know trickle down is a trick. They know cutting welfare, unemployment benefits , food stamps will reduce mass consumer spending. They know not spending on infrastructure will do the same; not raising the minimum wage the same.
Their policy and actions are a blatant effort to cause businesses fail and be bought on the cheap by vultures like Romney.
> On Feb 2, 2015, at 9:24 PM, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 8:59 PM, Charles Brown <cb31450 at> wrote:
>> They represent monopoly capital . The biggest capitalists make the most killings in recessions when failing companies can be bought on the cheap. One capitalist always kills many capitalists . So, yes they want recession for their vulture capitalist masters.
> That was written more than 2 1/2 years ago by a rank Democratic apologist. The economy didn't crash. And this is just isn't true. They want growth - just growth skewed towards profits and the upper classes. Dems, by contrast, want growth skewed towards profits and the upper classes with some crumbs for everyone else.
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