>Here's a statement of support for the Viome workers in Greece from
>The Brooklyn Greens, an activist local of the Green Party in the
>United States. You can send your own messages of support to the
>Viome workers before March 18th (when they appear in court) to:
>protbiometal at gmail.com
>The Viome workers' website is: http://www.viome.org/
>The Brooklyn Greens extends its solidarity and pledges its support
>to the workers who have reclaimed the Viome factory in Thessalonica.
>We denounce the court proceedings brought by the former owners, who
>are attempting through legal sanction to steal the factory from the
>workers and liquidate it despite having already stolen and profited
>from the fruits of the Viome workers' labor for many years, while they ran it.
>The Brooklyn Greens, which is an activist local of the Green Party
>of New York, calls on our sisters and brothers in Green parties
>throughout the world to support the Viome workers.
>Furthermore, we encourage workers everywhere to follow the Viome
>workers' example, take back the equipment that we ourselves, as
>workers, produced.
>We write the words "us" and "we" here because that factory (and all
>machinery) rightfully belongs to "us" -- the international working
>class, which we are part of and together created. We all
>collectively own what we've produced. The fact that we've allowed
>the bosses to "borrow" it for some time -- whether it's the
>ecological cleaning supplies produced by Viome workers, or any and
>all other equipment and means of production -- is simply a sign of
>the global working class' generosity. We want it back. All of it.
>And so we're taking back what's rightfully ours.
>All power to the Viome workers!
>*Ecological cleaning material workers of the world unite, you have
>nothing to lose but your stains!*
>*(This last slogan no doubt rhymes only in English, where in
>translation to the Greek it will make little sense. Still, here it is .....)
>Mitchel Cohen
>for The Brooklyn Greens / Green Party
>New York
>I include below, separately, a link to interviews I did for WBAI
>radio in NYC about Greece, at the United Nations a month ago: