It’s hard to break the hold of machine politics in plutocratic democracies. Clinton will also very likely get the Jewish vote, despite Sanders’ origins in that community and Shane’s remarks below. Black politicians and Jewish donors still wield lots of power, but as Sanders gains support and visibility, he is beginning to make inroads into both these pillars of the Democratic Party.
> ----- Original Message -----
> On Jan 31, 2016, at 12:31 PM, Robert Naiman wrote:
>> Note Krugman reference.
> Like all of us, I've seen much too much of such sleazy Clintonian attacks against Sanders' nonexistent "sexism" and "misogyny" and "insensitivity." Especially all the references to a "dyspeptic old socialist from Brooklyn." What I don't understand, though, is why the vicious antisemitism of these attacks ("Brooklyn" and "socialist" being notorious dogwhistler synonyms for "Jew") goes unreported, unprotested, unanswered. Another thing that I don't understand is why, despite the utterly antifeminist record of the Lizzie/Maggie tandem, not to mention what the first Lizzie did to the Iriah and other Roman Catholics) the Clintonians are allowed to make such a lying fuss about how she would be the first woman to lead a great power--even though, if elected, Bernie Sanders would be the first Jew (D'Israeli converted and dropped the apostrophe; Trotsky and Blum, Reds who held power only briefly, don't count) in all of recorded history (the Khazar Empire, of which nobody wants to kno!
> w anything, excepted) to lead a major world power. Again, the antisemitism on display is screamingly obvious.
> Shane Mage
> "Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64
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