>From the most recent Common Dreams mailing:
<http://action.commondreams.org/images/WeeklyEmailApril2017/theresnostrategy.jpg> There's No Strategy Behind Trump's Wars - Only Brute Force <https://www.commondreams.org/views/2017/04/19/theres-no-strategy-behind-trumps-wars-only-brute-force> by Phyllis Bennis Trump's wars are now all over the map. The peace movement can fight back by joining already thriving intersectional campaigns.
_TRUMP'S _ Wars!
I have never come across such a blatant lie from any source claiming to be (in slome sense) leftists
The U.S. has been continuously at war for some 70 years. Trump's current military policy has received nearly unanimous approval not just from the mass media but from leading Democrats. And Phyllis Bennis dares to refer to that war as Trump's War. By doing so she makes herself an outright accomplice to the war crimes of the last half century.
Ugh! She is revolting.