[lbo-talk] [pen-l] Historical materialism and social revolution

Marv Gandall marvgand2 at gmail.com
Fri May 26 09:48:38 PDT 2017

> On May 26, 2017, at 8:06 AM, Cox, Carrol <cbcox at ilstu.edu> wrote:
> Ralph Johansen: "I offer a friendly amendment."
> -----
> Accepted. Probably there could be lengthy (and useful) quibbling over details, but the general picture Ralph presents is profoundly (and tragically) correct.

Depends how you view primitive communism, which is what Ralph seems to be projecting when he writes that the current crisis of the system is “prefiguring fundamental change” - but only after capitalism has further run roughshod over the working class, and produced even greater misery and inequality, alienation and the destruction of the natural environment.

Socialism or barbarism, or socialism AND barbarism?

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