[lbo-talk] Niki Ashton campaign

Marv Gandall marvgand2 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 09:00:41 PDT 2017

I’m actively supporting Niki Ashton for federal leader of the NDP. If nothing else, her campaign should gauge the level of grassroots discontent with the direction of Canada’s main left-centre party, and whether she can assemble a youthful coalition for change as Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders have done in the UK and US.

To date, she’s waged an uncompromising principled campaign. According to this account of last week’s leadership debate in Toronto:

"Ashton had a strong debate in terms of her rhetorical performance and energy. She routinely got some of the most passionate applause from the room, especially when speaking about issues of injustice. This is linked to her desire to make connections and references to wider progressive social movements, such as Black Lives Matter and the Fight for 15, along with Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, and Québec Solidaire…This all ties into how Ashton, in the debate, closed by saying that only she, and none of her competitors, are offering fundamental change to the electorate.”


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