[lbo-talk] Johanna Bockman - The Long Road to 1989 Neoclassical Economics, Altern ative Socialisms, and the Advent of Neoliberalism

Bill Bartlett william7 at aapt.net.au
Mon Dec 4 21:19:03 PST 2017

IU feel a reminder is needed that ideology is rooted in material conditions, not the other way around. The ideology of neoliberalism did not prompt neoliberal economic policy, they merely seek to justify it.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

> On 5 Dec 2017, at 12:03 am, Jim Farmelant <farmelantj at juno.com> wrote:
> Social scientists have explained the turn to neoliberal capitalism by looking not only to the economic classes seeking this new form of capitalism but also to the ideologies these groups use both to envision this new form and to convince others of its necessity and desirability. Given the economic nature of neoliberal ideology, economists have been given primary place as the creators and often as the propagators of neoliberal ideology. Some social scientists have argued that right- wing econo-mists such as Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek successfully mobilized right- wing think tanks, associations, and economics departments and converted policy makers to their free- market worldview. Others have argued that mainstream economists more generally have, intentionally or unintentionally, spread neoliberal policies through their professional neoclassical economics, which acts as a kind of neoliberal capitalist Trojan horse. Another set of works shows that economists with U.S. neoclassical training have gained powerful positions in international &#57344;nancial institutions, such as the World Bank and the IMF, which impose neoliberal ideas on countries around the globe and support the formation of neoliberal advocates world- wide.However, scholars have not adequately understood mainstream economists’ professional ideas. Mainstream economics has a much more tenuous connection not only to neoliberalism, but even to capitalism, than is generally thought.
> https://www.academia.edu/7103289/The_Long_Road_to_1989_Neoclassical_Economics_Alternative_Socialisms_and_the_Advent_of_Neoliberalism
> Jim Farmelant
> http://independent.academia.edu/JimFarmelant
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