[lbo-talk] [Spam] Re: [marxism-thaxis] Query

Jim Farmelant farmelantj at juno.com
Mon Jan 15 10:47:54 PST 2018

The specific quote from Lenin that Mao had cited, came, as I said before from a 1920 article that Lenin wrote on an Austrian journal, KOMMUNISMUS: Journal of the Communist International. "G. L.’s article is very Left-wing, and very poor. Its Marxism is purely verbal; its distinction between “defensive” and “offensive” tactics is artificial; it gives no concrete analysis of precise and definite historical situations; it takes no account of what is most essential (the need to take over and to learn to take over, all fields of work and all institutions in which the bourgeoisie exerts its influence over the masses, etc.)." https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/jun/12.htm However, I don't think that anyone would be surprised if Lenin had said or written somewhat similar things earlier on. Jim Farmelanthttp://independent.academia.edu/JimFarmelanthttp://www.foxymath.com Learn or Review Basic Math

---------- Original Message ---------- From: Charles Brown <cb31450 at gmail.com> To: marxism-thaxis at lists.riseup.net Subject: Re: [marxism-thaxis] Query Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 13:26:13 -0500

"But it would be a mistake to exaggerate this truth; to depart from the Marxian rule to be concrete; to apply the appraisal of the present war to all wars that are possible under imperialism; to lose sight of the national movements againstimperialism. The only argument that can be used in defence of the thesis: &ldquo;there can be no more national wars&rdquo; is that the world has been divided up among a handful of &ldquo;Great&rdquo; imperialist powers, and, therefore, every war, even if it starts as a national war, is transformed into an imperialist war and affects the interests of one of the imperialist Powers or coalitions (p. 81 of Junius&rsquo; pamphlet)."

https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/jul/junius-pamphlet.htm Sent from my iPhone On Jan 14, 2018, at 2:36 PM, Cox, Carrol <cbcox at ilstu.edu> wrote:

I'm trying to trace the first appearance in Marxist (or Marx) writings of the phrase, "concrete analysis of concrete conditions." My eyesight makes it difficult to follow reference in a google search, but the most frequent reference is to Mao, On Contradiction, but I'm sure it has appeared elsewhere (and earlier)????

Could anyone help?


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