Cato Ad Infinito

alec ramsdell a_ramsdell at
Thu Aug 13 11:07:49 PDT 1998

Max Sawicky wrote:

>Offense at the idea of corporations
>as persons, with reference to freedom
>of speech or due process is puzzling.

Can someone help me out here. What year was it (18??) that the corporate charter was "liberated" from the sovereign state. Or rather the sovereign to which a corporation is resposible became "the people", or more precisely shareholders. Is it useful at all to think in terms of "the soveriegn revoking the charter", (does this practice still hold at least in principle, i.e. the potential paradox--if the bottom line is stock price what do more or less good or bad corporate practices matter--of shareholder activism?).

Is the above figure largely accurate/useful?


p.s as for libertarians, another funny description is anarchists with credit cards.

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