I've noticed that quite a few of the LBOer's are residents of California. I have just finished a book about the Los Angles area in particular, and , California in general by a fellow named Mike Davis. This book is titled the Ecology of Fear. It is the second of his books I have read, his first being City of Quartz or somthing like that.
City of Quartz was a real eye opener for me. I knew that the Steelworkers at Kaiser Steel had gotten a raw deal , but, I had no idea of how bad of a deal they had gotten until I read Davis's book. I mean they got a world class screwing out in California too---in some ways worse than some of their rust belt brothers. Also, Davis's description of a ravaged industrial community was excellent; sort of like the Mon Valley with nice weather.
I am curious if any of the LBOer's have any comments on either of Davis's books?
I do have a bunch of distant cousins in northern California, most of whom I have never met. A number of my grandmothers family moved to California in the early part of this century, before WWI---from what I can gather they are mostly cowboys and cowgirls and a sheriff or two. I guess those giant trees out there are really somthing to see.
Sincerely, Tom