OPE-L (was Re: Krugman on Marx)

Carrol Cox cbcox at mail.ilstu.edu
Tue Aug 18 11:36:36 PDT 1998

Shortly after Mark Jones first appeared on the old m-i (SPOONS) list a debate on the silly transformation problem erupted, and Mark posted a very fine account of the irrelevance of that technical and technistic debate. I believe Doug contributed some perceptive posts also. I would like to see those contributions reposted.

The best published dismissal I ever read of a 100 years of anti-marxian claptrap on value was by an anarchist rather than a marxist, Fredy Perlman, Introduction to I.I. Rubin, *Essays on Marx's Theory of Value* (Detroit: Black and Red), 1972.

Are there other studies insisting on the historical and political as opposed to technically "Economic" thrust of the theory?


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