the global melodrama

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Aug 18 16:49:07 PDT 1998

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Mark Jones wrote:

> The essence of the deflationary forces at work in last qtr C19 and last qtr
> C20 is the same: inter-imperialist rivalry in conditions where the
> hegemonic power, which controls global money and military
> force-of-last-resort, has too small an economy to guarantee global
> demand rising at the productivity trend-rate (a contradiction
> between global forces and global relations of production).

Ah ha! So you admit that East Asia and Central Europe *are* today's metropoles, after all! There's no denying that the rule of neoliberalism is falling apart before our very eyes, or that the Anglo-American economies are about to enter recessions. As for the Apocalypse, that's something restricted in the age of permanent and continuous bailout Keynesianisms to October trading sessions on Wall Street... right?

-- Dennis

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