Kondratiev waves

Rosser Jr, John Barkley rosserjb at jmu.edu
Wed Aug 19 12:45:09 PDT 1998

Here some references on Kondratiev waves, mostly favorable, but some critical; some theoretical, but some empirical or historical. Hope interested parties can find some of them somewhere. C. Freeman, ed., _Long Waves in the World Economy_, 1984, London: Frances Pinter. C. Freeman, J. Clark, and L. Soete, _Unemployment and technological innovation: A study of long waves and economic development_, 1982, London: Frances Pinter. Joshua S. Goldstein, _Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age_, 1988, Yale University Press. Richard M. Goodwin, "The Economy as an Evolutionary Pulsator," _Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization_, 1986, vol. 7, pp. 341-349. Ernest Mandel, _Long Waves of Capitalist Development_, 1980, Cambridge University Press. G. Mensch, _Das technologische patt_, 1975, Frankfurt u/Main, Umschau Verlag. George F. Ray, "Energy and the Long Cycles," _Energy Economics_, 1983, vol. 5, pp. 3-8. J. Reijnders, _Long Waves in economic development_, 1990, Edward Elgar. Rosser and Rosser, "Long Wave Chaos and Systemic Economic Transformation," _World Futures_, 1994, vol. 39, pp. 197-207. Walt W. Rostow, "Kondratieff, Schumpeter, and Kuznets: Trend Periods revisited," _journal of Economic History_, 1975, vol. 25, pp. 719-753. Joseph Schumpeter, _Business Cycles_, 1939, New York: McGraw-Hill. John D. Sterman, "A Behavioral Model of the Economic Long Wave," _Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization_, 1985, vol. 6, pp. 17-53. K.B.T. Thio, "On simultaneous explanation of long and medium-term employment cycles," _De Economist_, 1991, vol. 139, pp. 331-357. Leon Trotsky, "The Curve of Capitalist Development" 1923, in _Problems of Everyday Life_, 1973, New York: Monad Press. Andrew Tylecote, "History as a forecasting tool: The future of the European economy in an a long-wave/long-cycle perspective," _Review of Political Economy_, 1992, vol. 4, pp. 226-248. J.J. van Duijn, _The Long Wave in Economic Life_, Assen: Van Gorcum. J. van Gelderen, "Springvloed: Beschouwingen over industrieele ontwikkeling en prijsbeweging," _De Neuwe Tijd_, 1913, vol. 8, pp. 4-6 (the first long wave paper, well before Kondratiev's 1926 piece in _Archiv fur sozialwissenschaft, vol. 56, pp. 573-609, "Die langen wellen der konjunktur").

BTW, since this will be my last post for the day, I think that it is of some value to show that Marx was not inconsistent. So many people simply dismiss him on those alleged grounds. Barkley Rosser

-- Rosser Jr, John Barkley rosserjb at jmu.edu

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