Postings, format of

Tom Condit tomcondit at
Thu Aug 20 11:14:15 PDT 1998

Oh, boy, I get to play my broken record again!

Will people *PLEASE* stop posting the entire text of messages they're replying to, followed by the entire text of the messages those messages we're replying to? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm no longer capable of reading this list because of all the strings of >>>s surrounding whatever the message might be.

If it's not important enough to take the time to formulate it as a stand-alone message, it's not important enough to waste bandwidth on.

I know Doug has raised this point before, but it seems that a periodic reminder is necessary. Probably there's some software capable of filtering out any message in which more than half the lines are quotes from another message, but why should LBO have to waste money on it when a little self-restraint could do the job in a far more elegant manner?

Tom Condit

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