Mother Jones

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Tue Aug 25 13:09:56 PDT 1998

Seth Ackerman wrote:

>I'm no fan of D. Corn or Mojo but I tend to agree with Corn here. Left
>magazines do tend to be edited like political parties. One article gets
>published taking a heterodox view and the letters pages fill up with the
>voices of the concerned -- "is this the direction we're moving in?" etc.
>This happens with "right" deviation but also with "left" deviation.
>Magazines should not be the platforms of movements, they should be
>interesting. It's shocking how many leftists think otherwise.

What magazines are interesting by this criterion?

And I think it matters who's saying these things. If you're no fan of Corn or Mojo, why not read their positions as apologias for conformist crap rather than calls for against-the-grain liveliness?


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