the problem with Danish women

MScoleman at MScoleman at
Sat Aug 29 14:51:27 PDT 1998

In a message dated 98-08-29 15:51:11 EDT, Jim Devine forwards this little gem:


"The difference between man and woman is like that between animals and

plants. Men correspond to animals while women correspond to plants because

their development is more placid and the principle that underlies it is the

rather vague unity of feeling. When women hold the helm of government

[calling Mrs. T!], the state is at once in jeopardy, because women regulate

their actions not by the demands of universality but by arbitrary

inclinations and opinions. Women are educated -- who knows how? -- as it

were by breathing in ideas, by living rather than by acquiring knowledge.

The status of manhood, on the other hand, is attained only by the stress of

thought and much technical exertion."

so you thought the Mars/Venus distincition was bad?


Well, I'll keep this message short, it's time for me to get my nails done.... Seriously, I read someplace recently (I am a read-a-holic, so I am damned if I remember exactly which zine this was in) that they have located different centers of subconsciousness in mens' and womens' brains. Men's subconscious resides in an older cortex of the brain which governs physical activities while women's resides in a more advanced section which deals with verbal and abstract thought patterns. The author went on to use this to explain why men are so attracted to things like pornography while women are more interested in fantasy. She (of course the author was a she) also pointed out that women's brain patterns enabled them to have more complex and more verbal relationships, while men's verbal skills deteriorate at a relatively early age. So shit, 'they' (meaning all those sexists) can complain about 'us' till doomsday, but we'll just talk those suckers to DEATH. JOAN RIVERS FOREVER! (joke, guys, joke)

<grin> <chuckle> maggie coleman mscoleman at

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