Billy C

rayrena rayrena at
Thu Dec 17 15:51:05 PST 1998

>> Over the last few months I've found myself defending Clinton against the
>> vile creeps who want to impeach him. Having written almost nothing but
>> diatribes against him since 1992, this was a strange feeling. Now, after
>> this attack on Iraq, I think the hell with him. I hope he suffers. Impeach
>> the bastard, humiliate him. Make the U.S. look absurd in the eyes of the
>> world.
>> Doug
>Yup. I changed my mind about impeachment last night myself. The
>added bonus (or so his apologists say) is that it will weaken the
>institution of the Presidency. Great, I say!

Here, here. I too defended him. I too say fuck the sum bitch.

(Funny, though, cuz I came to that decision yesterday afternoon when I read in The NY Times that a Clinton staffer said the prez wanted at least some privatization of Social Security. The bombing just secured it.)


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