Lords reverse Lords

Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Thu Dec 17 14:52:15 PST 1998

In message <A020F3516421D21185A900204808343B6C9E67 at exchange1.lancs.ac.uk
>, Picciotto, Sol <s.picciotto at lancaster.ac.uk> writes
>They wheeled out some ancient old crocks who were undoubtedly much offended by
>the thought that a legal Lord would have any connection with an outfit like
>Amnesty. Since the 3 Lords who voted to extradite Pinochet are just about the
>only ones with liberal leanings among their lordships, odds are high that the
>murderous old bastard will be on his way back to Chile within a few weeks I

I doubt it. This is really just a hiccup for the judges who will more than likely re-hear the case and send him to Spain. Given that Amnesty were a party to the case and one of the judges is on an Amnesty Panel, the law lords did not have any choice but to allow the appeal. My difference with Sol is that I think the British establishment want to subject Pinochet to human rights legislation, this being the trajectory of international law.

-- Jim heartfield

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