For a detailed asterisk account, I think Clinton is an abused child and hence (powerful)sexual presdator of the worst sort. I believe that while it is a necessary and inevitable part of US foreign policy to engage in war for oil, and that at some point the US will be in a much wider war over this, the current war is a contingency, it really is going on because of Clinton's terror of revealing or self revealing his poisoned psyche, and because he is doing all he can to divert attention from a carfeul examination of his relationships with women, always a telling factor anyway. Monica's mien launched a thousand warheads....
As to the left, what in this helps us build a tactical and strategic base for next time around? What do people need to know in order to understand that they can comprehend and change their own lives? And just where are the progressive Steelworkers and the NEW AFL -CIO on this one?
Happy Happy Merry Merry
At 11:12 AM 12/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
>At risk of just saying me too, I will say that I share many of the
>sentiments which Doug writes here. On the other hand, however, the more
>logical side of me says that if I was opposed to impeaching Clinton on the
>articles of impeachment now being "debated" by Congress that I should
>still be opposed to them now even after Clinton has once again shown his
>true colors.
>I do think that the situation in Iraq provides an opening for the GOP in
>terms of regaining the Presidency. If Clinton's policy towards Iraq is
>not deemed as successful, then the Republicans will have a legitimate point
>of contention with Clinton and will finally be able to say "sure we can't
>do a better job of cutting social programs, enlarging the military, or
>passing trade bills but you know what we are better imperialists."
>O.k. so they won't say it like that but the point should be clear.
>Clinton was able to put a more progressive face on the presidency which
>was needed in the wake of the LA rebellion (or riots), but now his purpose
>and function (or that of people like him such as Gore) might be over.
>On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Doug Henwood wrote:
>> Over the last few months I've found myself defending Clinton against the
>> vile creeps who want to impeach him. Having written almost nothing but
>> diatribes against him since 1992, this was a strange feeling. Now, after
>> this attack on Iraq, I think the hell with him. I hope he suffers. Impeach
>> the bastard, humiliate him. Make the U.S. look absurd in the eyes of the
>> world.
>> Doug
Rich Gibson
Program Coordinator of Social Studies
Wayne State University
College of Education
Detroit MI 48202
Life travels upward in spirals.
Those who take pains to search the shadows
of the past below us, then, can better judge the
tiny arc up which they climb,
more surely guess the dim
curves of the future above them.