M-TH: Analyzing Neoli

JKSCHW at aol.com JKSCHW at aol.com
Sun Dec 20 17:24:35 PST 1998

In a message dated 98-12-13 06:41:19 EST, you write:

<< The argument: Some animal rights types have been told to shut up about

their cause by the owners of the mall within which they were demonstrating.

The demonstrators counter that shopping mall's are simply the latter-day

version of the market-place, a place dedicated to the gathering of citizens

as members of civil society, and just about the only such public space left

- so the First Amendment applies.

The owner's response? 'It's MY mall, so there!'.


As matter of law, he's right. I wouldn't count on the current US Supremes to change that. The Minnesota Supremes might be a different story. Or the Minnesota legislature.


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