Organized Labor and Bilingual Education: Any Cooperation?

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Sat Jun 6 16:55:10 PDT 1998

Were there any coordinated efforts between those who were fighting Prop 226 (re: the use of union dues for political activities) and those who were battling Prop 227 (re: bilingual education)?

Couldn't unions have made efforts to argue that Prop 227 was not only an attack on _working-class children_ but also a threat to teachers, that is, _workers_, and finally another ammunition used by the Right to erode _public education_ as well?

Couldn't a joint battle against 226/227 have been an excellent testing ground for those labor organizers and educators who've been talking about 'social movement unionism' (against business unionism) for a while?

Don't unions think that those immigrant households--both parents and children--are among the most important places to go to if they want to increase union members?


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