On Mon, 8 Jun 1998 08:14:24 -0400 (EDT) Justin Schwartz
<jschwart at freenet.columbus.oh.us> writes:
>> The "We are all x's now" was, I think, started by the Tory PM Harold
>> MacMillan, who said in the early 60s, We are all Socialists now.
>I looked up the McM quote. McM actually said, Toryism has always been
>sort of paternalistic Socialism. This was in the days before Thatcher,
>course. And it's a clue to what he thought socialism (i.e., British
>Labourism, Webbism) was about. In fact there;s probably not that much
>difference between wet Toryism of the old school and the Fabianism of
>Beatrice and Sidney Webb. --jks
In fact not only was there little difference between old-style wet Toryism and Fabianism it was the case that the Webbs early in their careers originally directed much of their propaganda efforts at the Conservative Party. It was only later on that they directed their efforts to the Liberals then to the newly formed Labour Party.
Jim Farmelant
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