against 'entrenched identities'

MScoleman at MScoleman at
Thu Jun 25 18:08:20 PDT 1998

In a message dated 98-06-25 10:35:35 EDT, jim heartfield writes:

<< 'A bit too strict' is an understatement. Yoshie's plea for rules against

the use of certain terminology and Maggie's pseudo-comical plea for the

mechanisation of that regime, were instinctive attempts to achieve by

regulation what they could not acheive by argumentation. >>

aha, since i've only made one statement on i.d. politics, -- and that made a specific comparison of the synthesis of research being conducted by members of iaffe, a large and well respected feminist group, and marxists at the eastern economic association who basically are conducting the same research they have been for decades -- and you haven't been able to respond to that directly, i really wonder what you find comical about my comments? is it my gender -- anything with tits talking revolution is comical? or can't you bother debating point by point with mere females? maggie coleman mscoleman at

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