GM strike

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Mon Jun 29 19:11:50 PDT 1998

Michael E wrote:
>"When won't they be able to find another worker somewhere in the world they
>can hire to work for less? Once you accept their logic, you buy into the
>never-ending cycle of playing worker and worker, whether across borders,
>union v. non-union, right-to-work states v. non-RTW (for less) states,
>native-born v. immigrants, men v. women, old v. young, even one UAW local
>against another within the same company. The only significant difference is
>at what pace you will run the 'race to the bottom.'"

Isn't Doug's point that once you accept the continuing existence + legitimacy of capitalism, you get forced to accept the logic of capital and the 'never-ending cycle of playing worker against worker...'? Isn't he basically saying that the labor movement that can't imagine any socialist alternative to capitalism can only tinker with the pace at which 'you will run the "race to the bottom"'?


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