At 09:11 PM 6/29/98 -0500, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>Michael E wrote:
>>"When won't they be able to find another worker somewhere in the world they
>>can hire to work for less? Once you accept their logic, you buy into the
>>never-ending cycle of playing worker and worker, whether across borders,
>>union v. non-union, right-to-work states v. non-RTW (for less) states,
>>native-born v. immigrants, men v. women, old v. young, even one UAW local
>>against another within the same company. The only significant difference is
>>at what pace you will run the 'race to the bottom.'"
>Isn't Doug's point that once you accept the continuing existence +
>legitimacy of capitalism, you get forced to accept the logic of capital and
>the 'never-ending cycle of playing worker against worker...'? Isn't he
>basically saying that the labor movement that can't imagine any socialist
>alternative to capitalism can only tinker with the pace at which 'you will
>run the "race to the bottom"'?