Homeownership and "surplus population"

Mark Jones Jones_M at netcomuk.co.uk
Fri May 15 15:31:47 PDT 1998

Nathan Newman wrote:

> "Surplus population" - what does that mean?
> This kind of rhetoric, along with green "carrying capacity" - is the stuff of
> eugenics and immigrant bashing.

It's also the stuff of Marxism, Nathan. The term 'surplus population' was Marx's usage if not coinage, and it has a technical significance, not an emotive one. And I'm glad to hear New Yorkers are less carbon-dirty than people from LA, or whatever it was. But all of you Yanks are 5 times more carbon-dirty than the rest of us. In eco-terms, the planet's human population burden is mostly in North America.

Press on with your civic improvements, Nathan.


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