Sundry; Ultra-imperialism ?

James Devine jdevine at
Fri May 22 10:04:19 PDT 1998

Charles Brown writes: > Oh. If you are not being sarcastic, then I disagree. I do think that finance capital liked the slaughter of communists, laborites and Jews.<

How can "finance capital" (an abstraction) "like" anything? In any event, the long-term goals of finance capital to not involve mass murder. They want us all to be willing borrowers, consumers, and workers. The wars, the mass murders, come because (1) the various parts of the ruling class fight amongst themselves and (2) people fight back. Sometimes, the capitalists (in desperation) turn power over to a Hitler or a Suharto because they want to maintain their (the capitalists') power. They often apologize for these turds' policies (especially those of a Suharto). But do the really "want" slaughter?

Charles, I lost your address. Could you please send it to me again (off-list, of course) so I can send you a copy of my article. -- Jim Devine

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