Michael Moore (Relevancy of Left)

Carrol Cox cbcox at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu
Thu May 28 16:02:46 PDT 1998

Dan Lazare writes:

I think it should be obvious that any assertion as to the
> irrelevancy of the left in this country IS right-wing. Numerically, we're
> pretty small, admitted, but, ideologically, I would think our message is as
> important, and as relevant, as ever. Indeed, the first seems to make the
> second more important than ever.

Leftist self-hate is an old rhyme in the U.S. and perhaps elsewhere. I think it amounts to apologizing for being a leftist, "See, I'm a real person, not like all those other freaks you see around me." And indeed, "the first seems to make the second more important than ever." An intellectual error that leads to this self-contempt (or at least seems to undergird its logic) is the assumption that all defeats come from errors or crimes or betrayals. As I pointed out recently in another thread on another list, this is the logic which sometimes led monarchs to execute defeated generals, regardless of circumstances. Not just often, but usually, defeats come from the strength of the enemy, not the internal weakness of the defeated. I believe Sweezy years ago developed this point in some detail, arguing that the weakness of the U.S. working class flowed from the tremendous strength of the U.S. capitalist class.

It was this empty sneer at leftists for being weak that set my teeth on edge when I read Moore's *Nation* article. I'll have to buy the videos of his movies and get the bad taste out of my mouth.


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