IMF and Progressives

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Sat Nov 14 20:28:46 PST 1998

On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Max Sawicky wrote:

> [Switzerland] should be invaded and taken over by the EU, run
> by arrogant French colonial governors, and have all
> its cheese confiscated.

But not before I can lay in a year's supply of Gruyere. Fondue just won't fly without it. I remember walking around Geneva and marveling at the fact that people *obeyed the traffic rules*, stopping even at unmarked streets. Invading armies would be simply politely chastened to death. To paraphrase Macbeth's witches, bubble, bubble, euro and boil...

-- Dennis (cheesing)

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