Oppresseder than thou

Henry C.K. Liu hliu at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 18 11:48:25 PST 1998

Please be informed you have been deleted.

K wrote:

> >Try as I may, I have difficulty following the
> intellectural basis of
> >this type of exchange, or its relevance.
> Is there some reason it must have an intellectual
> basis. This is not to say, of course, that it doesn't
> have an intellectual basis. Nonetheless, I'm not clear
> as to why it must have one and why the exchange
> elicits such an opaque response. Are you suggesting
> that
> you don't care for the style of the discussion? The
> subject matter?
> And as for relevance, well I'm not certain who is the
> judge of this. Relevant to what? *What*
> subjects/styles do you deem relevant? *How* do you
> deem a thread relevant? What are the adjudicatory
> criteria of relevance?
> >The truly oppressed are the readers of this list.
> ???
> snitgrrRl

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