Oppresseder than thou

K d-m-c at worldnet.att.net
Wed Nov 18 10:27:39 PST 1998

>Try as I may, I have difficulty following the
intellectural basis of
>this type of exchange, or its relevance.

Is there some reason it must have an intellectual basis. This is not to say, of course, that it doesn't have an intellectual basis. Nonetheless, I'm not clear as to why it must have one and why the exchange elicits such an opaque response. Are you suggesting that you don't care for the style of the discussion? The subject matter?

And as for relevance, well I'm not certain who is the judge of this. Relevant to what? *What* subjects/styles do you deem relevant? *How* do you deem a thread relevant? What are the adjudicatory criteria of relevance?

>The truly oppressed are the readers of this list.



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