The Brenner and Doug thing

pms laflame at
Sat Nov 21 01:15:15 PST 1998

>Yet, just as the ascent of manufacturing
>profits was key to the stock market's vertiginous rise, the fall in
>manufacturing earnings cannot but bring the stock market boom to an end,

And let's not forget those lovely defined contribution 401K's and tax-supported SEP's and IRA's and bronco riding, boot-strap lifting, lippo-suctioned lambs lend to slaughter in the name of rugged individualism and brand-name arrogance.

Doug, I don't think it was the rise in labor power, so much as the end of dirt cheap labor of women and blacks. White men (mostly) lost some power. women and blacks got some, right around the time that them foriegners were startin' to really flourish following the war.

I wonder if their our dollar stategy would have been able to last longer if the finance guys hadn't gotten so greedy and obvious.

Seems like the Europeans are circleing the wagons. When you look at the whole enchilada as you guys do. Planning ahead while Mr. Kenneth displays his dimples.

If we could only get those Europeans and Japanese to need incredible amounts of crap to blow their future on, we could keep this crap-game going a while longer, heh?

So, is there any way, barring massive destruction, or the spiritual transformation of the United States of America that we keep the top spinning?

They shoot horses don't they?

Nighty-night Paula

And thanks Frances, for the Brenner piece.

You know, if Nixon hadn't gone to China, the Little Tigers could have been making all the cheap stuff I get to buy at McFrugal, and we'd have had one more round, at least. Or if they'd have let Gorby or somebody democratise Russian reasonably, fewer crooks, maybe....remember that book/movie, the Incredible Lightness of Being?

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