ont/epis and hip hop

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at gte.net
Sun Nov 29 16:42:02 PST 1998

SnitgrrRl writes:

> I bought Gender Trouble years ago for a course and
> have read that. So if Butler's a must then I'd rather
> do Psychic Life or Bodies that Matter. Otherwise I'm
> game for anything else--almost--that you n Alec would
> like to read. Maria Gilmore, you game? Paula? Any
> pomo bashers anxious to actually read some of it and
> then *really* bash it. Take it from me, it's much
> more fun that way.

I've got a copy of Gender Troubles buried somewhere, which is why it's the only thing of Butler's I'd be interested in (trashing). But I'm just a hanger-on, anyways. Though Snit's playful exuberance is one of the few things I can imagine that would actually get me to reading in that direction.

(I base my Butler-bashing on first-hand experience. It's SoooO non-PoMo!)

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at gte.net

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