ont/epis and hip hop

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sun Nov 29 16:59:13 PST 1998

d-m-c at worldnet.att.net wrote:

>I bought Gender Trouble years ago for a course and
>have read that. So if Butler's a must then I'd rather
>do Psychic Life or Bodies that Matter. Otherwise I'm
>game for anything else--almost--that you n Alec would
>like to read. Maria Gilmore, you game? Paula? Any
>pomo bashers anxious to actually read some of it and
>then *really* bash it. Take it from me, it's much
>more fun that way.

My experience is that these cyberreadings fizzle out. But if we're going for anything I'd vote for the Psychic Life of Power. I'd like to see the anti-pomo'sters actually confront a postie text - espeically one that illuminates several things many "Marxists" are not so eloquent on - why the masses don't rebel, how sexed our subjectivity is, and why we turn when the cop calls us.


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