In These Times-Hi Alex C.

Alex LoCascio alexlocascio at
Sun Nov 29 09:46:17 PST 1998

On Wed, 25 Nov 1998 22:37:43 -0500 pms <laflame at> writes:
>Alex, I don't get this. I subscribed to ITT for many years, and I don't
>recall them having anything nice to say about the Democrats, or

I don't recall them saying anything nice about Clinton, either. But I do know that the ITT folks are big promoters of lesser-evilism. And Jimmy Weinstein is a New Party booster. As has been pointed out on this very list, the NP is basically a pwog pressure group within the Dems.

Here's another juicy quote from Cockburn in his Corruptions of Empire collection, on the attitudes of ITT and DSA towards Jesse Jackson's second presidential bid:

"The Anyone-But-Jackson coalition, teetering between Cuomo and Bradley, extends clear across the political spectrum, nowhere more snappishly than in the tendencies associated with the Democratic Socialists of America and In These Times. On January 21 of this year John Judis, the political correspondent for ITT, dismissed Jackson as ' the black candidate' ('not simply a result of the fact that he is black. Not being a politician, he has never represented a broad constituency') and directed his readers' attention to the following robust political vista:

' The Democratic ticket that I believe has the best chance of winning and governing is Hart as president with Sen. Sam Nunn as vice president.

Nunn, the chairman of the Senated Armed Services Committee, would be a good choice because he is a Southerner, a conservative by reputation and also a man of great intelligence. If ever given the chance of representing the entire nation, he could surprise.'

"With social democrats like this, who needs Chuck Robb?"

>I also got Dissent, but like Monthly Review I hardly ever read more than

>onearticle. For some reason, the book ones didn't grab me.

Dissent is a complete snooze, I agree, but I get a lot of mileage out of the Monthly Review. I appreciate the attempt to make Marxist ideas accessible to us middlebrow slobs.

>And isn't Irving Howe the guy with the bow tie. I never thought of him
>asleft. Wasn't he on network tv?

Nah, you're thinking of Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Howe has been dead for awhile.

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