On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:07:42 -0500 d-m-c at worldnet.att.net writes:
>Maria, by far the best discussion of hip hop culture
>and its subversive roots and potential is Tricia
>Rose's _Black Noise_ Rose argues that it is not the
>lyrics that reveal an ideological critique. Rather,
>it is that hip hop culture--the music, the block
>parties, freak nik, language, graffiti, clothing
>styles, comportment, the use of white music for
>purposes other than it was intended--should be read as
>an attempt to take back and reclaim public spaces in
>order to have some control over and assert Black
>identity in the face of a culture industry that has
>monopolized that representation.
I heartily recommend William 'Upski' Wimsatt's book Bomb The Suburbs, which basically says the same thing, but in language that is accessible to folks who aren't too familiar with Cultural Studies jargon.
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