class nature of classical music

Michael Hoover hoov at
Mon Nov 30 11:55:54 PST 1998

some listers may be interested in John Bokina's _Opera and Politics:
>From Montverdi to Henze_, Yale, 1997...the author is a political

topics include: baroque: 'The Prince as Death, Beast & Tyrant'/Monteverdi's Orfeo, Ulisse, & Poppea

early classical: 'The Dialectic of Operatic Civilization'/Mozart's Don Giovanni

late classical: 'Opera & Revolutionary Virtue'/Beethoven's Fidelio

romantic: 'The Utopian Vision of Romatnic Anticapitalism'/Wagner's Parsifal

early modernist: 'The Politics of Psychological Interiorization'/ Strauss's Elektra & Shcoenberg's Erwartung

late modernist: 'The Aesthetic Politics of German Artist-Opera/Pfitzner's Paelstrina, Hindemith's Mathis der Maler, & Schoenberg's Moses & Aron

postmodernist: Henze's The Bassarids

Michael Hoover

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