in addition to your outline of the main points of the current political and economic crisis and its embedding into a historical perspective:
Could you also sketch the corner-stones of a socialist programme to fight the capitalist crisis (Antikrisenprogramm) - starting from the current economic, social and political situation of the US working class?
Or is it your aim to provoke a more detailed political-theoretical discussion about the causes of the different forms of the current crisis on these lists - so to speak as a first step, and then moving on to a discussion about socialist economic and social policies?
At 13:47 30.11.98 -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:
>The thing that both Mark Jones and I find dismaying is the general lack of
>the Marxist left to come up with a response that is appropriate to the
>crisis. It seems that George Soros is more alarmed than most leftists. To a
>degree this is because, as the Times points out, he is worried about
>financial exposure in risky markets. On the other hand, Soros is a real
>intellectual who has attempted to come up an integrated world-view that
>defends the long-term interests of the bourgeoisie. It should be our
>challenge to do the same thing for the working-class.