
James Devine jdevine at
Sun Oct 11 17:04:03 PDT 1998

>I'm reminded of a reference in a Nation article
>long ago. Somebody had written an ignorant
>article criticizing public choice theory. (It
>is possible to write a learned one criticizing
>it, but that's another story.) In response to
>a reader's objection, the reply cast aspersions
>on cold-hearted mathematics and the analysis
>of politics by use of a calculator.

Unfortunately, some Marxists can be as bad (if not worse). EK. Hunt told me the story of a grad student at UC-Riverside who encountered what at the time was considered to be Marx's mistake in the presentation of the so-called "transformation problem" in vol. III of CAPITAL. This student's response: it's not Marx's mistake; the problem was with bourgeois mathematics.

Jim Devine jdevine at &

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